Comparison of heat losses of pre-insulated pipelines in relation to the SYNCOPEX system



As practice shows, in the design work of central heating transmission networks and domestic hot water it is assumed that pipeline diameters should be selected taking into account the demand for thermal energy and hot water as well as flow resistance without analyzing the important operating factor which is the thermal efficiency of pipelines.
In view of the steady increase in the prices of heat and hot water production, the main function limiting the users’ costs should be the design of economic transmission networks with the lowest heat losses on transmission, avoiding excessive energy transfer to the ground in which the pipelines are located.
SYNCOPEX is a solution that addresses these problems. Combined piping systems allow for better thermal insulation properties.

Each assortment brings significant savings in energy transmission, as shown in the tables below under the assumptions of pipeline operation:

Central heating network – supply 158°F, return 104°F
Domestic hot water network – 140°F supply, 104°F circulation



Table No. 1

Comparison of heat losses of 4 independent pre-insulated pipelines to the “SYNCOPEX” pipeline construction with four pipes in one casing.



 Diameter of exemplary single pipes in pre-insulation [in]Total heat loss
of single pipes [in]
Total heat loss
of quadruple pipes [in]
Reduction of heat loss
on transmission
111 3/4 1/21 1/255%
2111 3/41 1/4 1/258%
31 1/41 1/41 3/41 1/4 1/260%
41 1/41 1/41 3/41 1/2 3/455%
51 1/41 1/41 1/411 3/4 3/457%
61 1/41 1/41 1/411 3/4 3/459%
7221 1/412 3/460%
82 1/22 1/21 1/412157%


Table No. 2

Comparison of heat losses of two independent pre-insulated pipelines with two transmission pipes for the construction of “SYNCOPEX” pipelines with four pipes in one casing.


lp.Examples of double pipes
in one pre-insulation [in]
Total heat loss of
double pipes W / ft
Total loss of Syncopex® quadruple
pipe W / ft
Reduction of heat
losses during transmission
1(2x1) (1+3/4)29,414,750%
2(2x1 1/4) (1+1)28,816,642%
3(2x1 1/4) (1+3/4)32,819,342%
4(2x1 1/4) (1 1/4+1)32,819,441%
5(2x1 1/4) (1 1/4+1)33,719,541%
6(2x2) (1 1/4+1)33,419,642%
7(2x2 1/2) (1 1/4+1)36,7421,56
  1. Due to the fact that other companies that areproducing pre-insulated pipelines present heat losses in scope of single pipes and two working pipes in one casing only in a form of diagrams from which similar data to SYNCOPEX results, the tables contain the values of single and double pipes corresponding to SYNCOPEX system.
  2. The heat values included in the tables in the scope of four pipes in one casing are technical values that are certain from research and findings made by the Institute of Physics of the Building Research Institute in Warsawand refer to the „SYNCOPEX system.


Reduction of expenses of investment works as a result of using the SYNCOPEX multipipe system

The comparative heat loss yield is 30,8 W/ft

To calculate the yield of annual heat losses and the effects of one heating season, the principle was assumed that the central heating is active for 7 months and hot water for 12 months. Hence, for the calculation of the annual yield of 1ft of the network, an average exploitation period was assumed for 8 months.

30.8 KW / m x 24 hours x 31 days x 8 months = 183.3 KW / ft

Cost of 1kW of energy is 0,379 USD with fuel oil cost 3,65 USD/litre

Saving cost of buying fuel oil per 1 meter of combined pipeline during a heating season average:

183,3 KW x 0,379 USD = 69,47 USD / 1 ft

With a 100 mb network, the economic effect during one heating season is:

69.47 x 100 ft = USD 6.947

The value of savings is expressed by a reduced purchase of heating oil in the amount of about 1903 litres.


An exemplary economic effect as a result of network operation:

The comparative heat loss yield is 30,8 W/m.


To calculate the yield of annual heat losses and the effects of one heating season, the principle was assumed that the central heating is active for 7 months and hot water for 12 months. Hence, for the calculation of the annual yield of 1mb of the network, an average exploitation period was assumed for 8 months.


30.8 KW / m x 24 hours x 31 days x 8 months = 183.3 KW / m

Cost of 1kW of energy is 0,379 USD with fuel oil cost 3,65 USD/litre


Saving cost of buying fuel oil per 1 meter of combined pipeline during a heating season average:

183,3 KW x 0,379 USD = 69,47 USD / 1 mb


With a 100 mb network, the economic effect during one heating season is:

69.47 x 100 mb = USD 6.947


The value of savings is expressed by a reduced purchase of heating oil in the amount of about 503 gallons.